
Conjunctions 8th

Point out the conjunctions in the following sentences and state whether they are coordinating or subordinating.
1. You will succeed if you work harder.
2. We arrived after they left.
3. I waited till he returned from office.
4. Bread and milk is wholesome food.
5. You will not get the prize unless you deserve it.
6. Do not go before I return from the market.
7. I can’t lend you any money, for I have none.
8. Since you have apologized we will not take any further actions against you.
9. The thief fled lest he should be caught.
10. I will be upset if you don’t accept my invitation.
11. She didn’t come because you didn’t invite her.
12. He is smarter than his boss.
13. My grandfather died when I was a child.
14. Please stay here till I return.
15. He asked whether he could go.
16. Give me something to drink, else I shall die of thirst.
17. He deserved the prize, for he worked really hard.
18. We can travel by land or air.
19. Either you are wrong or I am.
20. I hear that you are working for a multi-national company.

7th Subordinating Conjunctions

Combine the sentences using the subordinating conjunction at the end of the sentence. For example: "I put my coat on. It was cold. (because)" becomes" I put my coat on because it was cold."
  1. surferSurfing is fun. It can be dangerous. (though)

  2. sailboatThe boat could not move. There was no wind. (since)

  3. two applesSome apples are red. Others are green. (while)

  4. bearYou should stay away from bears. They are dangerous. (because)

  5. deerDeer are cute. They eat all your flowers. (although)

    1. rainI took my umbrella. It was raining. (as)

  • Basic Subordinating Conjunctions 7th

    Choose the best conjunction for each sentence.
    1. I will be late today ________ my car has broken down.
    2. because
    3. though
    4. ________ my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at home for my vacations.
    5. Since
    6. Whereas
    7. ________ Mei Li doesn't speak English, she can't go to university in Canada.
    8. Whereas
    9. Since
    10. Jun couldn't buy any Christmas presents ________ he didn't have any money.
    11. even though
    12. because
    13. Jerry passed the exam first time ________ I had to retake it three times.
    14. as
    15. while
    16. ________ it was raining, I didn't get wet.
    17. Because
    18. Although
    19. I don't drink coffee ________ it makes me nervous.
    20. although
    21. as
    22. Paula got the job ________ she had no experience.
    23. even though
    24. as

    Coordinating Conjunctions 8th

    Read carefully and write the best or correct answer.
    15. I was in the area I thought I'd drop in and say hello
    16. I really hate to have to sell my car I need the money.
    17. My friend fell down the stairs sprained his ankle
    18. The department store closed at six o'clock everyone went home.
    19. I won't be home for Christmas I will be there for New Year's.
    20. Julia was very angry with Tom she went for a long walk to cool down
    21. Can you stop at the shop get some milk on your way home from work?
    22. Are you busy this weekend do you have some free time? I need some help moving to my new house.
    23. You've been working hard in the garden all day. Why don't you sit down I'll bring you a nice cold drink
    24. Nobody was home when I rang Jenny I left a message for her.
    25. I've been dieting I'm not losing any weight.
    26. Will you eat that last chocolate biscuit will you leave it for me?
    27. It's raining. Wear your raincoat you don't get wet.
    28. I'm sorry I missed your birthday party Alan, my car broke down it took me hours to walk to a phone
    29. Bill graduated first in his class at University his parents bought him a new car
    30. We left very early this morning for our holiday there was still a traffic jam on the freeway.
    31. I had a very boring weekend, I just sat around the house did nothing.
    32. Can I help you with that are you all right?
    33. Would you rather stay home tonight would you rather go out?
    34. John may have built this house by himself he hired an architect to design it.
    35. Is this seat already taken can I sit there?
    36. Your sister rang today she didn't leave a message

    Coordinating Conjunctions 7th

    Read carefully and write the best or correct answer.
    1. I'm going to go shopping on Sunday buy some new clothes.
    2. I've just eaten dinner I'm not hungry
    3. Why don't you ring Sue find out what time she's coming over tonight?
    4. Don't tell John about his birthday party you'll spoil the surprise
    5. I have been saving my money this year next year I plan to take a long holiday in Europe.
    6. Secretary to Boss: Do you want anything else can I go home now?
    7. I love to travel I hate travelling by bus
    8. I'm bored! Let's go out to dinner see a movie
    9. I like living in the city my brother prefers living in the country
    10. Betty's just got a promotion at work she's very happy
    11. Father to Son: You're thirty now. Don't you think it's time that you settled down got married?
    12. Tom got a great Christmas bonus from work this year he and his family can have a good vacation this year
    13. It's late. You should go to bed now you'll be tired tomorrow
    14. The taxi stopped at the train station two men got out of it.
    15. I was in the area I thought I'd drop in and say hello

    Correlative Conjunctions!!!!

    COrrelative CONJUNCTIONS

    Some conjunctions combine with other words to form what are called correlative conjunctions. They always travel in pairs, joining various sentence elements that should be treated as grammatically equal. Here is a brief list of common correlative conjunctions.

    both . . . and not only . . . but also
    not . . . but
    either . . . or
    neither . . . nor
    whether . . . or
    as . . . as

    How I am going to use them?

    Although documentation of the developmental order of the remaining subordinate conjunctions is missing, the best guess scenario would be:

    BECAUSE and SINCE, as they also introduce the cause in a cause-effect relationship

    SO would likely seem to follow as it introduces the effect in a cause-effect relationship

    ALTHOUGH, (even) THOUGH, WHEREAS, WHILE may follow next as they express the contrast between ideas

    AFTER which expresses time concepts

    Subordinating Conjunctions!!!!


    A subordinating conjunction is a word which joins together a dependent clause and an independent clause. There are numerous subordinating conjunctions. The more commonly used ones are listed below. For a more comprehensive list see http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/conjunctions.htm#nor

    BECAUSE, AS, SINCE - are used to introduce the cause in a cause effect relationship between two ideas

    SO - introduces an effect in a cause effect relationship between two ideas

    ALTHOUGH, (even) THOUGH, WHEREAS, WHILE - are used to express contrast between ideas

    AFTER - is used to show time

    How I am going to use them?

    SIMPLE!!!!Since AND, BUT and OR are the most commonly used coordinating conjunctions, it may be best to concentrate on just these three in planning therapy. Children would learn to:

    1. join two similar ideas - AND

    2. join two contrasting ideas - BUT

    3. join two alternative ideas - SO

    Coordinating Conjunctions


    Coordinating conjunctions may join single words, or they may join groups of words, but they must always join similar elements: e.g. subject+subject, verb phrase+verb phrase, sentence+sentence. The seven coordinating conjunctions in English are:

    FOR - is to introduce the reason for the preceding clause

    AND - joins two similar ideas together

    NOR - The conjunction nor is not extinct, but it is not used nearly as often as the other conjunctions. Its most common use is as the little brother in the correlative pair, neither-nor

    BUT - joins two contrasting ideas together

    OR - joins two alternative ideas

    YET - is very similar to 'but' as it also joins two contrasting ideas together

    SO - shows that the second idea is the result of the first

    An easy way to remember these six conjunctions is to think of the word FANBOYS. Each of the letters in this somewhat unlikely word is the first letter of one of the coordinating conjunctions.

    Among the coordinating conjunctions, the most common, of course, are AND, BUT and OR.


    Check this out!!!!

    Go to Blog Archive and you will find the exercises to do.  See you all on Monday, hopefully! God Bless!


    Answer the exercises and just write the answers on a separate paper to hand in, loose leaf paper, identify each part. (Subject-Verb Agreement, Verbs, Conjunctions)

    Choose the correct verb.
    1. Emily and Greg (come,comes) to my house every Friday.
    2.There (is, are) time to watch the movie.
    3. My friends who are in the band (wants, want) me to play a musical instrument.
    4. My father or my brothers (is, are) coming with me to the game.
    5. Everyone (needs, need) time to relax.
    6. That bag of oranges (look, looks) fresh.
    7. The lacrosse team (hopes, hope) to win the tournament.
    8. Your trousers (needs,need) to be cleaned.
    9. Some of the books on the shelf (is, are) dusty.
    10. Even though the students like the class, a few (thinks, think) that is too complicated.
    11. Hansel and Gretel (is, are) a famous children's story.
    12. Why (is, are) your parents going to Africa for a vacation?


    Conjunctions• Rules to Remember
    Rule: Coordinating conjunctions are connecting words. They join words, phrases, or clauses. Two of
    the most commonly used coordinating conjunctions are and and or.
    Salesman knocks on door and says to little girl in the yard: “Is your
    mother home?”
    Little girl: “Yes.”
    When nobody comes to the door, the salesman says: “I thought you
    said she was home!”
    Little girl: “She is. I don’t live here.”
    • Explanation: “and” means “in addition to” or “at the same time.”
    Girl: “Which do you think is more important: the sun or the moon?”
    Boy: “Obviously, the moon.”
    Girl: “Why do you think so?”
    Boy: “The moon gives us light at night, which is when we need it. The
    sun only gives us light during the day, which is when we don’t need it.”
    • Explanation: “or” implies a choice.
    The coordinating conjunctions but and yet indicate contrast.
    What has 88 teeth but never brushes them?
    . . .
    a piano
    When can a pocket be empty and yet have something in it?
    . . .
    when it’s got a hole in it
    Rule: Subordinating conjunctions, such as so, unless, and because indicate
    cause and effect.
    Why was the mummy sent into the game to pinch-hit?
    . . .
    so he could wrap up the game
    How are riddles just like pencils?
    . . .
    They’re no good unless they have a point.
    Why did the boy keep on his shirt when he took a bath?
    . . .
    because the label said wash and wear
    ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. #3019 Laugh and Learn Grammar
    Conjunctions • Practice Page
    Directions: Complete each joke by writing one of the conjunctions from the box. Each conjunction is
    used more than once.
    and because but or so
    1. Teacher: “Where is the English Channel?”
    Student: “I don’t know. We don’t have cable, __________ we only get the local
    2. How do you know that the moon prefers clear nights?
    . . .
    __________ when the clouds disappear, the moon beams
    3. What coat has no zipper __________ buttons __________ must be put on wet?
    . . .
    a coat of paint
    4. Which are the most mathematical bugs?
    . . .
    Mosquitoes. They subtract from pleasure, add to misery, divide your attention,
    __________ multiply rapidly.
    5. Mother: “Why are animal crackers spread all over the table?”
    Child: “I’m searching them.”
    Mother: “For what?”
    Child: “The box says you shouldn’t eat them if the seal is broken.
    . . .
    ________, I’m looking for the seal.”
    6. Girl: “How was the play you went to last night?”
    Boy: “It was good, __________ I only saw the first act.”
    Girl: “Why?”
    Boy: “The program said, “Act 2. . . Three Months Later.”
    . . .
    ___________ I went home.”
    7. Why couldn’t the mummy answer the telephone?
    . . .
    __________ he was tied up
    8. Hopeful boyfriend: “Sir, I’d like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
    Father: “Sorry, you’ve got to take all of her __________ nothing.”
    9. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, __________ never in a hundred
    thousand years?
    . . .
    the letter M
    10. How was the blind carpenter’s sight restored?
    . . . He picked up his hammer __________ saw.



    Kinds of Sentences



    Hello! Just to remind that you need to study for the next test based on verbs. Everything! Also, for next week bring the copies of the Story:The Blind Man and your pen-drive. Next week we will have alot of work but, I know that you can handle it. See you in class!



    Hi everyone! first of all, I'll like to thank all the students that had visited our page. keep on with the good work. As a reminder, study for the test, remember the journals and check your notes ALWAYSSSS.See you in class, bye
    Your teacher,


    Holaaaa! Hellooooo!

    Thanks for visiting this blog.  This is a new school year 2011-2012, and I hope that this experience in this new school be a wonderful one, full of excitement, but also a healthy learning of all the good things that all our team would like to share with you.  Just have fun, relax and everything will be cool.
    You can leave your comment, see you in class. 


    Congreso de Verano

    Hola mis queridos estudiantes,
    Estamos en la recta final del proyecto de Canvas y estaremos dando los ultimos toques del mismo. Espero con ansias ver el resultado. Recuerden traer su poema el cual estaremos trabajando en nuestra proxima clase.

    Nos vemos en clase.


    Simile and Metaphor

    Figurative Language


    is everywhere

    Nature is everywhere,
    On the ground and in the air.
    We can find nature in tress,
    And feel the pleasant breeze!
    Nature is so beautiful,
    Especially the flowers which are colourful.
    Nature can be a lovely thing,
    Like hearing a hummingbird sing!
    We can see marvelous creature,
    If we follow the path of nature.
    Like birds and butterflies which fly so high,
    Fluttering in the sunny sky.
    Bats flying at night between the trees,
    And honey collectors like the bees!
    We can find very less nature in our world today,
    As trees are getting cut day by day.
    So we, who appreciate nature more than ever,
    Can help by stopping this disaster to occur!


    Poetry Presentation


    Child Abuse Video

    The Purloined Letter Preview

    The Purloined Letter

    This book is written by one of the most famous authors of America, Edgar Allan Poe. The Purloined Letter is a story that involves drama and investigation. Is a story from the 1800’s, however, the drama can be related to cases from these days. You read about queens and kings, stolen items, how the police handle the investigation and the best is that makes you go into conclusions, but at the end the answer is right in front of your eyes. It is fun to read and who knows, it can wake up your spirit to investigate and get always to the end of things.

    Edgar Allan Poe

    Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous authors of America. He is one of my favorite authors because his stories are very interesting. His stories are based in mysteries, drama, and investigation. I like to read stories that make me think, analyze and draw conclusions even though, my conclusion can be wrong. Also, I like to read with a purpose and make sure that I can understand what is the author’s purpose. Edgar Allan Poe suffered a lot because his childhood was very painful and his experience is similar what other people and/or students are going through. I hope you enjoy his reading and make reading part of your life.



    Hi, everyone! Welcome to Mrs. Martínez blog. This was created for my 8th grade students of the Ramón E. Rodríguez Díaz School from Hormigueros. This will be a great tool and way to communicate with the teacher and with your friends of your same classroom and grade. Here we will share different things, opinions, ideas and to clarify any doubts. We can even do videos, this is wonderful! Hope you enjoy and use this blog to have fun while learning the English Language.